Mount Allison Social

Unix2816's Profile

About Unix2816

Creator of the following threads:
SP/Windsor Hall
SP/Plane Spotting
SP/MtA Social Technical Forum
SP/MtA Aviation
MT/Fall 2024 Photography Competition - Hosted By Unix2816

Relationship Status:



Major: Failure




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  • Active Member✔️

User Statistics:

Followers: 1

Total Votes Received: 28

Number of Posts: 21

Number of Different Communities: 3

Number of Comments: 2

Number of Posts Liked: 2

Posts by Unix2816:

Flightradar24 Update No. 1: No Aircraft Over Moncton Or Sackville atm :( (22 OCT 2024 2051 HRS AST)

Womp womp, no aircraft

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Flightradar24 Update No. 2: KC-135 Just North of Moncton atm :( (22 OCT 2024 2207 HRS AST)


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Add a section for a change log,

In the upper taskbar of this website, add a change log with time and date stamps.

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Time and date stamps for user posts,

Add a feature which adds time and date stamps to each comment a user makes

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Thread addition suggestions,

Add the following features:

  • Include date of creation for threads

  • Include name of thread creator

  • Include a function which allows members to select whether they want to be directly notified if new content is posted to a thread

  • Include @-ing users to threads

  • For scientific / mathematic applications, allow support for LaTeX or other TeX based math notation and formats

More is to come

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Thread addition suggestions,

Add the following features:

  • Include date of creation for threads

  • Include name of thread creator

  • Include a function which allows members to select whether they want to be directly notified if new content is posted to a thread

  • Include @-ing users to threads

  • For scientific / mathematic applications, allow support for LaTeX or other TeX based math notation and formats

More is to come

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Improved File Support,

Allow for support for the greater amount of filetypes:

  • Include support for audio, video, document (doc, docx, xlsx, pptx, pdf, etc), text files, etc.

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Improved text formatting handling,

In several previous posts, I have made lists of items, ex. in when typing up the post, and when posting, the thread ignored the formatting by the user and just smushed everything together.

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Elaborating on the text formatting handling issues

Although on the main page ( user formatting of text is supported, this issue of text getting all smushed together is an issue that as of writing this, and too my knowledge only affects threads.

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Ability to delete comments

So far, there exists no way for a user to delete his/her comments. We should probably add a feature which allows users to do just that. Just saying.

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Thread post text concealing

Implement a feature where a thread post text is concealed if it exceeds a certain character count, truncate said posts and their content and provide an option to "Read More" or " . . . " to reveal the hidden part.

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Bio Profile Editing Issues

If you attempt to edit your bio but make no changes, clicking 'Save Changes' still results in the bio being cleared. The original content is deleted even when no alterations are made.

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Clearing Messages Pop-Up Notfications

Integrate a feature where, upon receiving a message notification, I can click directly on a DM channel to automatically dismiss the notification pop-up icon without needing to go to the notifications tab.

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Adding attachments to DMs

Integrate a feature which enables users to send any and all manner of files and another attachments not only through threads but also through DMs

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Establishing a donation system

Implement a feature that enables ordinary users to send money or make electronic donations through platforms such as PayPal, Interac, Venmo, and similar services.

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Displaying and formatting issues with the change notes feature

When clicking on the change notes button at the bottom of the window is not centered and aligned properly with the main webpage.

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Improving bugs encountered with pressing ENTER to send a message

Recently, a new feature was added allowing users to press ENTER to send messages in threads, communities, DMs, etc. I think this is a great addition, but I’ve encountered a bug when using it in DMs.

I'm not sure if this issue also occurs in communities or forums, but in DMs, even when I press SHIFT + ENTER to add line breaks for formatting or making lists, the message still sends unexpectedly, even if I didn't intend to send it yet.

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Deleting messages in DMs

As of writing this, there still exists no way to delete messages in DMs

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Accidental discovery about PFPs

You can upload GIFs and MP4s to be your profile picture. I tested this and managed to upload a compressed MP4 that was just the first 10 minutes of The Bee Movie. Epic.

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Bug in messages

You are able to send blank messages / DMs to other people just by pressing the ENTER key

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Missing McDonalds Rewards

Someone forgot these, DM if these are yours or know who these belong to

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