Mount Allison Social - Update Log

View updates relating to Mount Allison Social.

This is the changelogs for Mount Allison Social. Check here for any updates on statuses or any issues you may be facing, they may have been fixed, here is the first place you'll find out about them. This webpag updates once a day.


Today's Notes - January 10, 2025

A fresh start to the new year! Check out what's new:

* Introduced push notifications for real-time message alerts.

* Revamped the homepage with better navigation and a modern look.

* Fixed an issue where user statuses were not syncing correctly.

Today's Notes - December 20, 2024

Happy Holidays! Here's what's new this month:

* Fixed a critical issue where notifications would not redirect to the correct location.

* We have added private communities

* We improved the look of the home page!

* Redesigned the nav bar for a more intuitive experience.

* We added icons to the nav bar.

Today's Notes - November 15, 2024

This month has been full of bug fixes and performance improvements!

* We have improved your controls over your experience of the site!.

* We added group chats!

* We added a darkmode to the site.

Today's Notes - October 23, 2024

A new day is upon us! Day 2 to be precise!

* Timestamps in Messages & Notifications has been fixed.

* Now works to send messages.

* New Settings page has been added.

* You can now change your username & profiles now do not delete data if no changes are made.

* You can now both edit and delete your own posts.

* Added Changenotes page.

To enable SMS notifications for messages:

1. Enter your mobile provider in lower case.

2. Enter your phone number with a '1' in front (not a +1)

3. Ensure both SMS Notifications and Push Notifications are selected.

4. Save settings, and whenever you receive a message, you will get a text.

Today's Notes - October 22, 2024

Today has been the first official day of release for Mount Allison Social.

We had to update this message with some of the new features that have been added, but woah this is active as!

* Added 'Users' view today to allow users to connect with each other!

* Updated the messaging interface to automatically check for new messages & Conversations are now listed by most recent.